Tuesday, May 20, 2008


थे सर्च फॉर बूक्मोबिले ब्रौघ्त उप लोटस ऑफ़ लिंक्स टू ब्लोग्बुक्स.
That should say something about how searching for 'bookmobile' on Technorati
retrieved blogs about books, and probably doesn't.
I thought I'd play around with the transliteration function as the Hindi characters are so pretty.
Apologies if I've written obscenities.
I couldn't find my own blog on an advanced search but did read about Alberto Manguel's
library and followed the link to the photograph on Classical Bookworm . My search words were
library, libraries, France.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tagging, folksonomies, del.icio.us and LibraryThing

I like the link to the Library of Congress subject headings - The Cataloging Distribution Service.
Have added some bookmarks to del.icio.us.
Joined LibraryThing and read through Creepy reqests from library patrons.

And Getting more patrons into a book discussion from Librarians who LibraryThing.
I'd hate anyone to think I was a Librarian who doesn't read.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Videos online

It was interesting to explore YouTube and Google Videos, and to watch some
of the Mosman Library webcasts.
I envisage a link on the library web page to a video showing how to locate an
item on the shelf using the catalogue and the explaining the classification system ;
Maybe like the CommonCraft videos.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Desperately trying to keep up with the programme. Having looked at Library Success and Book Lovers Wiki I can see how useful Wikis are in the library environment. I selected another RSS from Library Success - FRBR blog. No prizes for guessing my main occupation at the library.
At first I found adding to the Wiki complicated - should I edit, create a new page, with a heading or not, or comment.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Setting up an RSS aggregator: Bloglines didn't send a verification email. Will try Google Reader.
Day 2 on RSS
Still no email from Bloglines so I have now registered with Google Reader and selected Food
and Technology from their list.
I also subscribed to a feed from the ALA RSS list and TEAR Australia.
I added the Powerhouse Museum RSS by copying and pasting the URL to my reader, which worked.

This section of Learning 2.0 is definitely more challenging than earlier ones.